What I Think

I’ve made a new blog GeekTech.. check it out here – http://www.vinitneo.com/


Bing search is now showing a little feedback button in the search results and is asking everyone to rate the search results.


Competition is always good, we don’t want any single product (Google) to dominate the web. Bing is the first search engine that is actually at par with Google.

Bing is pretty to –I'm good

and that pretty picture doesn’t slow you down whereas Google has to keep the interface minimal for speed.

Now instead of mocking at Microsoft, Google is listening to the buzz and is trying to improve there search engine. There’s also news that Google is first time advertising it’s search capabilities – ‘Hey! We can do that also’

Sergey Brin – I think it will soon be possible to have a search engine that “understands” more of the queries and documents than we do today. Others claim to have accomplished this, and Google’s systems have more smarts behind the curtains than may be apparent from the outside, but the field as a whole is still shy of where I would have expected it to be.

So, which is more useful – The decision engine (Bing) or the understanding engine( Google) ?




This is the first release candidate for Firefox 3.5, the latest version of the Firefox web browser. As a member of our beta audience, you are being updated to this version to help test and preview the new version before it is released to the general public.


The new Firefox is faster than before, supports new web technologies, improving performance and ease of use and has features like –

  • Improved tools for controlling your private data, including a Private Browsing Mode.
  • Better performance and stability with the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine.
  • The ability to provide Location Aware Browsing using web standards for geolocation.
  • Support for native JSON, and web worker threads.
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.

    This release is available in more than 70 languages and you can download it here.

    Capture 1


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    This notifier along with Windows 7’s taskbar and jump list makes a powerful application –


    Unread messages count –


    Easy preview of messages –

    3 4


    Get work done faster with jump lists – everything you wana do is just click away.


    And that’s about it! It is using Gmail secured RSS feed to retrieve the mails so it should be pretty safe. Credentials are saved using a machine’s dependent encryption. Here are some more screens:

    6 7 8

    You can get Gmail notifier plus for Windows 7 here.

    [via neowin forums]



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    Now you can play the game Ships in Google earth.


    google-earth-ships 1


    go to Ships to try it and make sure that you read the keyboard shortcuts.


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    ff1 Type 1. just the fox gets better here, fiery.

    ff2 Type 2. more shiny. darker

    ff3 Type 3. lighter with less prominent fire.

    I defiantly like the 2nd one, it’s more shiny and good looking.

    what about you –


    Google has brought Google translation to Gmail too… all you have to do is just go to settings and enable message translation.

    msg translation


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